Ditch Crossing is the familiar type of exercise in which a candidate start running and jump over a ditch and cross it successfully. In physical Test, candidates have to cross a ditch with 7 feet length and 4 feet depth by jumping it over.
It is very easy physical exercise and almost everyone can perform it.
Note: Their may be little change in methods or priority etc.
Sunday, 4 December 2016
How to build running stamina
This is the major test for finding out the Physical Stamina of a candidates. This includes running is a large and wide ground. Candidates have to complete a running circle of 1 mile equal to 1.6 Kilometers in the time slice of only 8 minutes. At the test day, all of candidates are leaded to a wide and large ground, there they stands in rows and wait for the caution. As soon as the examiners blow the whistle, the time starts and candidates start running until they complete the round or the time ends.
Candidates failed in this test are mostly screen out from the join process of Pakistan Army. This is not much tough but for those who have regular exercises and running stamina, otherwise a lot of candidates with no exercise or preparation fell down in the middle of the race and get screen out, others become slower and slower and thus didn't complete it in the allotted time.
As the candidates have a lot of time for preparation, so you are need to start running and other exercise daily. You must have at least the stamina of running for 20 minutes without stay.
Candidates failed in this test are mostly screen out from the join process of Pakistan Army. This is not much tough but for those who have regular exercises and running stamina, otherwise a lot of candidates with no exercise or preparation fell down in the middle of the race and get screen out, others become slower and slower and thus didn't complete it in the allotted time.
As the candidates have a lot of time for preparation, so you are need to start running and other exercise daily. You must have at least the stamina of running for 20 minutes without stay.
How to build stamina for running?
These are some tips to improve your running stamina and increase your running milage.
Run daily
Running or going for a walk daily will tremendously increase your ability to run.As In Pak army physical test running is an important test.So, at least one month prior to the physical test you should start running and building your stamina.Go for running in a nearby park at your house daily early in the morning because at the time your muscles are fresh and you have more tendency to run.Run daily it will help grow your muscles.In start it will be difficult for you but then you will get use to it.
Increase distance gradually.
Lets say right now you are able to run just 500 meters at a time and not more than that.Dont worry practice makes a man perfect and everyone was first at your position.Next time aim for 600 meters and gradully increasing the distances.It will help you build your stamina and muscles properly.
Dont suddenly increase the distance too much just go for bit by bit.
Do one long run per week.
Pick a day to tackle a new distance (weekends tend to work best for most people). You don’t want to feel rushed to complete your run, so make sure you set aside enough time to get it done at an easy pace. Every three to four weeks, scale back your long run distance to avoid overtraining.
Change your diet.
Cut out refined carbs and eat more lean protein and vegetables. Also, eat smaller, more frequent meals.
What should i eat after running?
Try a banana and a glass of water. When running, your body uses carbohydrates for fuel, and loses water and electrolytes through perspiration. These are the things that you should focus on replacing through post-workout nutrition.
Be Patient
Building endurance takes time. As Grete Waitz, nine-time winner of the New York City Marathon, put it, “Hurry slowly. Move ahead, but be patient.”
How to lose maximum weight in 10 days
1. Eat More Fiber
Fiber is of two types, soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber absorbs water and transforms into a gel during digestion. Insoluble fiber remains undigested as it passes through your system. Both types of fiber slow down the process of digestion, and helps you feel fuller for longer
2. Reduce The Intake Of Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are a staple in the diet of many. In fact, of all the food groups, the amount of carbs consumed is the highest. This poses a problem because every gram of carbohydrate contains four calories. And most foods that are rich in carbs barely possess any other nutrients.
Filling yourself up with carbs adds a lot of calories to your diet, which is why cutting back on carbs can be a great step towards weight loss
3. Eat Healthier Fats
There is this prevalent misconception that fats are bad for you. That isn’t entirely true. There are healthy fats and there are the unhealthy ones. You need to make sure that the fats you eat are good for your health.
Most junk foods contain unhealthy or saturated fats. They are the ones responsible for an array of diseases. But unsaturated fats, which is found in avocado, olive oil, and nuts, can help lower cholesterol and the risk for heart diseases when had in moderation.
Exercise Daily
Exercise and weight loss go hand in hand. While it might not be possible to start working out an hour a day overnight, you can start by doing small things at a time. A 15 minutes walk, or taking the stairs instead of the elevator are good ways to start.
Even if you don’t end up working out a lot, a little exercise is better than no exercise. Regular exercise helps burn calories and boosts your metabolism. It also helps in maintaining your muscle mass, and since muscles need more calories than fat, you end up burning a substantial amount of calories every day.
Get rid of Junk foods
Most of us find it difficult to let go of our favorite foods. Chips and cookies might be fattening and unhealthy, but we still end up having them. Which is why not buying junk food is a good step towards losing weight.
The reason we eat so much junk is because we buy it, and keep it available and accessible. You know the saying, ‘out of sight, out of mind’. Purging your pantry and fridge of high-in-calories and low-in-nutrients food can help you cut back on unhealthy snacking.
Drink Enough Water
Drinking enough water is really important for your health. Insufficient water intake could actually be impacting how much you weigh.
Sometimes, thirst can be misinterpreted as hunger pangs by your brain. So, to gauze whether you are really hungry or not, try drinking a glass of water before eating anything.
Some Dessi Home tips in Urdu
Powerful Tanks of Pak Army
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AL-Khalid |
The Khalid literally "The Immortal Tank"is a main battle tankjointly developed by Pakistan and China during the 1990s. The original prototype was known as the MBT-2000. Around 300 Al-Khalid tanks were in service with the Pakistan Army as of 2009 with unconfirmed reports mentioning 500 tanks in 2009.]The Bangladesh Army ordered 44 MBT-2000s in 2011. The tank is also used by the Royal Moroccan Army. It was trialled by the Peruvian Army for possible acquisition, but was not purchased due to financial problems.]
Operated by a crew of three and armed with a 125 mm smooth-bore tank gun that is reloaded automatically, the tank uses a modern fire-control system integrated with night-fighting equipment and is capable of firing many types of anti-tank rounds as well as anti-tank guided missiles.] Al-Khalid is named after the 7th-century Muslim commander Khalid bin al-Walid (592–642 AD).
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Al-Khalid Tank
Al-Khalid is designed with a 125 mm bore, 48 calibre long smoothbore, auto-frettaged and chrome-plated gun barrel which is manufactured from highly stiff electroslag remelting steel. The gun is then put under stringent quality control process to ensure standard barrel life of 1,100 rounds EFC; barrels that cannot pass this test are rejected. This gun provides very high internal chamber pressures for APFSDS, HEAT FS and guided missiles. The gun can also fire the following types of conventional ammunition: APFSDS, HEAT-FS and HE-FS. The gun is a modified variant of both the ZPT-98 and KBA-3 series of 125 mm smooth bore gun for Al-Khalid MBT which provided compatibility with Ukrainian ATGMs such as Kombat. The gun retains qualities of both Chinese and Ukrainians mated with indigenous design for better and accurate firepower on stationary and moving targets alike. The Gun-launched, laser-guided anti-tank guided missilescan also be launched.
Al-Khalid also fires a Pakistani depleted uranium round, the Naiza 125 mm DU round which gives an armour penetration of 570 mm RHA at 2 km). It is equipped with a muzzle reference system and dual-axis stabilisation system. Elevation and azimuth control is achieved by electro-hydraulic power drives. The automatic ammunition-handling system for the main gun has a 24-round ready-to-fire magazine and can load and fire at a rate of eight rounds per minute.
The tank is also equipped with a 7.62 mm-coaxial machine gun, a 12.7 mm externally mounted air-defence machine gun that can be aimed and fired from within the tank, and smoke grenade launchers.
ISSB Bio Data Form
Bio data form is the first thing you encounter when you go for ISSB. Bio data form is a multi sheet form which requires different personal information regarding you. This form is very important.This form is with the interviewer on the third day of I.S.S.B. and he asked questions related to you by reading from that form.
This form contains some general questions which you need to answer. But there are some questions about which most of the candidates dont know about, and they face difficulty while filling that form, I' ll jot down some of those important questions here.
CAST and SUB CAST question:
One question is related to your CAST, which means your "zaat" and its second part is SUB CAST. What Cast means is whether you are "Raja" "Malik" "Chohadry" etc. and subcast means "Awan", " Janua", " chandio". For example if there is a candidate who'se name is "Raja Waqar Ali Awan" This means that RAJA is his cast and Awan Sub cast. If any of you dont know about your cast and sub cast its recommended that you ask your father and prepare the answer .
About your Date Of Birth:
Another question that is a bit tricky is related to your date of birth, you are asked to calculate your age to the day your are at ISSB. Meaning how may years, months, and days old are you today?
For instance my date of birth is 6th May 1982 and today its 4 April 2008, how should i calculate my Age? The answer is simple . Do simple subtraction
gives you 25 years 10 months 28 days. This is what you have to write over there.
About your relatives in Armed Forces:
Another question asked is about your relatives who are in the armed forces of Pakistan. Now thats a bit tricky one, that not only ask for names and ranks, they also ask where they are posted now, and what is their current address, you have to prepare and ask them before going for ISSB what is their current address so that you are not worried over there and scratching your head
A frequent reader of my blog couple of days ago asked a very important question that previously slipped my mind. The question is related to the bio data form, This question is about writing some event in your life. The title of the event is written and you have to write one based on it from your life.
The topic can be "write about the most tragic event of your life" , "write about the unforgettable incident of your life" "the most happiest event of your life" "the most shocking event of your life"
The main purpose of this question is to get to know you better, to see your emotional level, to see what kind of things you can bear, and how eventful your life has been, and if the event is life changing, then how has it influenced your life.
I would highly recommend you to prepare all of these topics in a way that they truely are from your real life, and also off course positive. Tragic event can be the death of some close loved one, unforgettable incident can either be tragic or happy event, the word "unforgettable" has the meaning that its something that was so startling that you just cannot forget about it for the rest of your life, so it can be some happy event, like for example you met someone you take as hero, or you got a chance to be on live TV or something like this. Most shocking as the title says can be both positive or negative but again positive shock and happy shock is advised.
The reason why am I saying is the event should be from your real life is that they might ask you questions related to that event, especially the interviewer if he finds it interesting or has the suspicion that its a made up fake event, if its such an unforgettable event and it really happened then you might give a hint of it in any of the psychological tests, thats natural. You can only defend it if it actually happened, it cant be a mega event, it can be a simple event, like getting first position in 7th grade, or getting something really interesting as winning a debating compitition in your school or college, anything that is appealing and real can be written.
You have to right at most 7 to 10 lines which are more then enough, but it plays a key role in your I.S.S.B
Interesting Info About Quran-e-Hakeem
• Kalima Tayyaiba is mentioned in Quran for 2 times.
• The word Quran means “read one”.
• 114 total number of Surah
• Surah means city of Refuge.
• 86 Makki Surah.
• 28 Madine Surah.
• 558 Rukus.
• Al-Baqrah is the longest Surah.
• Al- Kausar is the shortest Surah.
• Al-Nass is the last surah.
• 14 bows are in Quran.
• First bow occurs in 9th Para i.e Al-Inaam Surah.
• Al-Faitha is the preface of the holy Quran.
• Five verses were reveled in the first wahy.
• Namaz commanded in quran for 700 times.
• Al-Imarn is the surah in which Hajj is commanded.
• Al-Mudassar-2nd Revealed Surah.
• Al-Muzammil- 3rd Revealed Surah.
• Al-Tauba does not start with Bismillah.
• Al-Namal contains two Bismillahs.
• Three surah starts with curse.
• 6666 is the number of Ayats.
• 29 total number of Mukata’t.
• Hazrat Usman was the first Hafiz of the Holy Quran.
• Hazrat Khalid Bin Saeed, the first writer of Wahy.
• Gap between first wahy and second wahy was 6 months.
• 12 Ghazawahs described in Holy Quran.
• Abdullah Ibn Abbas, the first commentator of the Quran and also known as interpreter of the Quran.
• In surah Al-Saf, Hoy prophet is addressed as Ahmed.
• Ghar-e-Sor is mentioned in Surah Al-Tauba.
• 4 Surhas start with Qul. (chkd)
• Hazrat Umar proposed the compilation of Holy Quran.
• Al- Nasr is known as Surah Widah.
• First annulled order of holy quran was the transfer of Qibla.
• The word Islam occurs 6 times in the Quran.
• Abdul Malik Marwan applied the dots in the Holy Quran.
• Hajjaj bin yousuf applied diacritical points in Quran.
• 8 Siparas starts with Bismillah.
• 37 total number of surah in last parah.
• Al- Baqrah and Surah Al-Nissa is spread over 3 Parahs.
• Al-Falq and Al-Nas revealed at the same time.
• 3 Surah stats with “Ya Ayananabiyau”.
• City of Rome is mentioned in Holy Quran.
• Surah Yaseen is known as Heart of Quran.
• Suran Rehman is known as beauty of Quran.
• Tafseer Ibn Kaseer was written by Hafiz Ismaeed Bin Umar-Imam Ud Din.
• First revealed surah was Al Alaq, 96 in arrangement
• Complete revelation in 23 years.
• Subject of Holy Quran is Man.
• Last Surah reveled in Al-Nasr.
• Risalat means to convey message.
• 25 prophets mentioned in holy Quran.
• Holy Quran consist 105684 words and 3236700 letters.
• Longest Ayat of Holy Quran is Ayatul Kursi.
• 6 Surah start with the name of prophets.
• Surah maryam wholly revealed for a woman.
• In Bani Israeel and Al-Najaf the event of Miraj is explained.
• Last revelation descended on 3rd Rabi-ul Awal and it was written by Abi- Bin Kab. (chk)
• Language of Divine Books.
• Taurat Hebrew
• Injil Siriac
• Zubur Siriac
• Holy Quran Arabic.
• Taurat was the first revealed book.
• Holy Quran was reveled in 22y 5m 14 days.
• There are 7 stages in Holy Quran.
• Abdullah Ibn Abbas is called as leader of commentators.
• Apollo 15 placed the copy of the Holy Quran on the moon.
• Tarjama-ul-Quaran is written by Abdul-Kalam Azad.
• Theodore Bailey in 1143 translated Holy Quran in Latin, for the first time.
• First Muslim interpreter of Quran in English is Khalifa Abdul Hakeem.
• Shah Waliullah Translated Holy Quran in Persian and Shah Rafiuddin in Urdu in 1776.
• Hafiz Lakhvi translated Holy Quran in Punjabi.
• Ross translated the Holy Quran in to English.
• Surah Alaq was revealed on 18th Ramzan.(contradictory)
• Number of Aayats in al-Bakar is 286.
• Longest Makki Surah is Aaraf.
• Second longest Surah is Ashrah/Al-Imran.
• Surah Kausar has 3 Aayats.
• First Surah compilation wise is Surah Fatiha.
• Fatiha means opening.
• Fatiha contains 7 aayats.
• Fatiha is also called Ummul Kitab.
• First surah revealed in Madina was surah Fatiha.
• Surah Fatiha revealed twice-in Makkah & Madina.
• Angles mentioned in Quran are7.
• Meaning of Aayat is Sign.
• Meaning of Hadith is to take.
• Stone mentioned in Quran is ruby (Yaakut).
• First Sajda occurs in 9th Para, Al-Inaam Surah.
• Longest Surah (al-Bakr) covers 1/12th of Quran.
• Madni Surahs are generally longer.
• Madni Surahs consist of1/3rd of Quran.
• Makki Surahs consist of2/3rd of Quran.
• Surah Ikhlas is 112 Surah of Quran.
• First complete Madni Surah is Baqarah.
• Names of Quran mentioned in Quran is 55.
• Surahs named after animals are 4 in number.
• Namal means Ant.
• Surah Inaam means Camel.
• Surah Nahl means Honey bee.
• Surah Ankaboot means spider.
• The major part of Quran is revealed at night time.
• Generally aayats of Sajida occur in Makki Surahs.
• 10 virtues are blessed for recitation of one word of Quran.
• Surah Anfal means Cave.
• In Naml two bismillah occur (2nds one is at aayat no:30)
• Surah Kahf means the cave.
• Muzammil means Wrapped in garments.
• Kausar means Abundance.
• Nasr means Help.
• Kalima Tayyaiba is mentioned in Quran for 2 times.
• The word Quran means “read one”.
• 114 total number of Surah
• Surah means city of Refuge.
• 86 Makki Surah.
• 28 Madine Surah.
• 558 Rukus.
• Al-Baqrah is the longest Surah.
• Al- Kausar is the shortest Surah.
• Al-Nass is the last surah.
• 14 bows are in Quran.
• First bow occurs in 9th Para i.e Al-Inaam Surah.
• Al-Faitha is the preface of the holy Quran.
• Five verses were reveled in the first wahy.
• Namaz commanded in quran for 700 times.
• Al-Imarn is the surah in which Hajj is commanded.
• Al-Mudassar-2nd Revealed Surah.
• Al-Muzammil- 3rd Revealed Surah.
• Al-Tauba does not start with Bismillah.
• Al-Namal contains two Bismillahs.
• Three surah starts with curse.
• 6666 is the number of Ayats.
• 29 total number of Mukata’t.
• Hazrat Usman was the first Hafiz of the Holy Quran.
• Hazrat Khalid Bin Saeed, the first writer of Wahy.
• Gap between first wahy and second wahy was 6 months.
• 12 Ghazawahs described in Holy Quran.
• Abdullah Ibn Abbas, the first commentator of the Quran and also known as interpreter of the Quran.
• In surah Al-Saf, Hoy prophet is addressed as Ahmed.
• Ghar-e-Sor is mentioned in Surah Al-Tauba.
• 4 Surhas start with Qul. (chkd)
• Hazrat Umar proposed the compilation of Holy Quran.
• Al- Nasr is known as Surah Widah.
• First annulled order of holy quran was the transfer of Qibla.
• The word Islam occurs 6 times in the Quran.
• Abdul Malik Marwan applied the dots in the Holy Quran.
• Hajjaj bin yousuf applied diacritical points in Quran.
• 8 Siparas starts with Bismillah.
• 37 total number of surah in last parah.
• Al- Baqrah and Surah Al-Nissa is spread over 3 Parahs.
• Al-Falq and Al-Nas revealed at the same time.
• 3 Surah stats with “Ya Ayananabiyau”.
• City of Rome is mentioned in Holy Quran.
• Surah Yaseen is known as Heart of Quran.
• Suran Rehman is known as beauty of Quran.
• Tafseer Ibn Kaseer was written by Hafiz Ismaeed Bin Umar-Imam Ud Din.
• First revealed surah was Al Alaq, 96 in arrangement
• Complete revelation in 23 years.
• Subject of Holy Quran is Man.
• Last Surah reveled in Al-Nasr.
• Risalat means to convey message.
• 25 prophets mentioned in holy Quran.
• Holy Quran consist 105684 words and 3236700 letters.
• Longest Ayat of Holy Quran is Ayatul Kursi.
• 6 Surah start with the name of prophets.
• Surah maryam wholly revealed for a woman.
• In Bani Israeel and Al-Najaf the event of Miraj is explained.
• Last revelation descended on 3rd Rabi-ul Awal and it was written by Abi- Bin Kab. (chk)
• Language of Divine Books.
• Taurat Hebrew
• Injil Siriac
• Zubur Siriac
• Holy Quran Arabic.
• Taurat was the first revealed book.
• Holy Quran was reveled in 22y 5m 14 days.
• There are 7 stages in Holy Quran.
• Abdullah Ibn Abbas is called as leader of commentators.
• Apollo 15 placed the copy of the Holy Quran on the moon.
• Tarjama-ul-Quaran is written by Abdul-Kalam Azad.
• Theodore Bailey in 1143 translated Holy Quran in Latin, for the first time.
• First Muslim interpreter of Quran in English is Khalifa Abdul Hakeem.
• Shah Waliullah Translated Holy Quran in Persian and Shah Rafiuddin in Urdu in 1776.
• Hafiz Lakhvi translated Holy Quran in Punjabi.
• Ross translated the Holy Quran in to English.
• Surah Alaq was revealed on 18th Ramzan.(contradictory)
• Number of Aayats in al-Bakar is 286.
• Longest Makki Surah is Aaraf.
• Second longest Surah is Ashrah/Al-Imran.
• Surah Kausar has 3 Aayats.
• First Surah compilation wise is Surah Fatiha.
• Fatiha means opening.
• Fatiha contains 7 aayats.
• Fatiha is also called Ummul Kitab.
• First surah revealed in Madina was surah Fatiha.
• Surah Fatiha revealed twice-in Makkah & Madina.
• Angles mentioned in Quran are7.
• Meaning of Aayat is Sign.
• Meaning of Hadith is to take.
• Stone mentioned in Quran is ruby (Yaakut).
• First Sajda occurs in 9th Para, Al-Inaam Surah.
• Longest Surah (al-Bakr) covers 1/12th of Quran.
• Madni Surahs are generally longer.
• Madni Surahs consist of1/3rd of Quran.
• Makki Surahs consist of2/3rd of Quran.
• Surah Ikhlas is 112 Surah of Quran.
• First complete Madni Surah is Baqarah.
• Names of Quran mentioned in Quran is 55.
• Surahs named after animals are 4 in number.
• Namal means Ant.
• Surah Inaam means Camel.
• Surah Nahl means Honey bee.
• Surah Ankaboot means spider.
• The major part of Quran is revealed at night time.
• Generally aayats of Sajida occur in Makki Surahs.
• 10 virtues are blessed for recitation of one word of Quran.
• Surah Anfal means Cave.
• In Naml two bismillah occur (2nds one is at aayat no:30)
• Surah Kahf means the cave.
• Muzammil means Wrapped in garments.
• Kausar means Abundance.
• Nasr means Help.
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