Sunday 4 December 2016

How to lose maximum weight in 10 days

1. Eat More Fiber

Fiber is of two types, soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber absorbs water and transforms into a gel during digestion. Insoluble fiber remains undigested as it passes through your system. Both types of fiber slow down the process of digestion, and helps you feel fuller for longer 

2. Reduce The Intake Of Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are a staple in the diet of many. In fact, of all the food groups, the amount of carbs consumed is the highest. This poses a problem because every gram of carbohydrate contains four calories. And most foods that are rich in carbs barely possess any other nutrients. 
Filling yourself up with carbs adds a lot of calories to your diet, which is why cutting back on carbs can be a great step towards weight loss

3. Eat Healthier Fats

There is this prevalent misconception that fats are bad for you. That isn’t entirely true. There are healthy fats and there are the unhealthy ones. You need to make sure that the fats you eat are good for your health. 

Most junk foods contain unhealthy or saturated fats. They are the ones responsible for an array of diseases. But unsaturated fats, which is found in avocado, olive oil, and nuts, can help lower cholesterol and the risk for heart diseases when had in moderation. 

Exercise Daily

Exercise and weight loss go hand in hand. While it might not be possible to start working out an hour a day overnight, you can start by doing small things at a time. A 15 minutes walk, or taking the stairs instead of the elevator are good ways to start.
Even if you don’t end up working out a lot, a little exercise is better than no exercise. Regular exercise helps burn calories and boosts your metabolism. It also helps in maintaining your muscle mass, and since muscles need more calories than fat, you end up burning a substantial amount of calories every day. 

Get rid of Junk foods

Most of us find it difficult to let go of our favorite foods. Chips and cookies might be fattening and unhealthy, but we still end up having them. Which is why not buying junk food is a good step towards losing weight. 
The reason we eat so much junk is because we buy it, and keep it available and accessible. You know the saying, ‘out of sight, out of mind’. Purging your pantry and fridge of high-in-calories and low-in-nutrients food can help you cut back on unhealthy snacking.

Drink Enough Water

Drinking enough water is really important for your health. Insufficient water intake could actually be impacting how much you weigh. 
Sometimes, thirst can be misinterpreted as hunger pangs by your brain. So, to gauze whether you are really hungry or not, try drinking a glass of water before eating anything.

Some Dessi Home tips in Urdu


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